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(Frequently Asked Questions)

What should i bring to class?

Wear comfortable clothes. For the benefit of everyone, it is recommended to wear socks . Jewellery is not a good idea. Please switch off/put your phone on silent mode during the class. We also recommend you to bring a bottle of water.

In which language are the group classes taught?

The classes are taught in English, given the huge international community in Berlin and in our team. The vast majority of our instructors also speak German, so in case you need a translation during the activity it will be possible as well.

How do I schedule classes?

Berliner Pilates works with Eversports to provide a seamless and secure booking experience. To use it is very simple: log in or register to Eversports and manage your bookings, cancellations, purchases and subscriptions from there.

You can find our plans & prices here. For beginners and new clients we offer trial classes and packages too.

To schedule a personal training session or duo please send us an email

If you need more information, please send us a message (we are available via SMS and Whatsapp) or send us an email. We will answer you quickly.

What if I cannot attend a class I already booked?

You can access and manage all of your bookings, cancellations, purchases and subscriptions through Eversports. Please note that we have a 24 hour cancellation policy.

To find out more about our policy on cancellations, "no shows" and refunds, please click here.

I'm new to Pilates, what activity should I choose?

For beginners, we recommend you try one of our group classes assigned for beginners or to schedule an introductory Solo Training session. We currently offer trial lessons and packages for new clients at reduced prices. If you are uncertain about which activity to choose, please don't hesitate to write to us. We will be more than happy to help you!

I have an injury or disability which limits my movement or causes me pain. Can I join a class?

If you are injured, have disabilities, mobility issues, or are suffering from pain please consult and get the clearance from  a medical doctor or physiotherapist before scheduling a class. If your doubt persists, feel free to write us an email.

I am an Urban Sports Club member. How do I book a class at Berliner Pilates?

Please read our most recent update here

What is the difference between STOTT PILATES® and other Pilates techniques?

STOTT PILATES incorporates modern exercise principles, including contemporary thinking about spinal rehabilitation and athletic performance enhancement. For example, some approaches may promote a flat back, whereas STOTT PILATES exercises are designed to restore the natural curves of the spine and rebalance the muscles around the joints, there is also more emphasis on scapular stabilization. As well, there are more preparatory exercises and modifications to cater to many different body types and abilities, making it applicable to everyday life.


The difference is that while Yoga requires moving from one static posture to the next, Pilates flows through a series of movements that are more dynamic, systematic and anatomically-based incorporating resistance equipment. The goal with STOTT PILATES exercise is to strengthen the postural muscles while achieving optimal functional fitness.

I have a bad back. Will I be able to do Pilates?

Although you should always consult your physician before starting any fitness routine, a Pilates workout is gentle and controlled with no sudden jarring actions. It is more important, however, that you work with a qualified instructor to ensure that you are doing the movements correctly. An experienced instructor will be able to modify the exercises to accommodate your limitations, continually challenge you within your ability, and monitor your improvements. If you commit yourself to a consistent workout schedule you will certainly feel results.

Can Pilates help me lose weight? If so, how much?

Pilates can be a positive addition to your overall weight-loss program.Weight loss occurs when the number of calories consumed is less than the number of calories expended. The most successful and healthy way to achieve weight loss is an exercise plan that includes an aerobic component coupled with a strength training component, such as STOTT PILATES exercise, and following a balanced diet. Combining Pilates with  aerobic exercise also offers additional benefits: greater mind-body connection, improved posture, flexibility and functionality.

Can anyone do Pilates?

No form of exercise is appropriate for everyone, but STOTT PILATES exercise is appropriate for most people. As with any exercise method, you should always consult with a medical expert before beginning an exercise regime. A modified programmay be recommended if you have any physical limitations. Everyone from serious fitness enthusiasts, to rehab patients, elite athletes, and prenatal clients will see a difference.

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